Week 1: 01/28 -02/06 Introduction; Education and development |
Module 1: Introduction |
Week 2: 02/07-02/13 Education and development |
Module 2: Education and development (continuation) |
Week 3: 02/14-02/20 Education and development |
Module 2: Education and development (continuation) |
Week 4: 02/21-02/27 |
Module 3: National policies for distance education This module links to the discussion on education and development. Soaring costs and increasing demand make policy makers to examine distance education. MT1: Why distance education? -examines the reasons why distance education is used: It includes a discussion cost-effectiveness reasons as well as equity arguments for distance education. MT2: Group task -states the group task; the task askes to read Latchem et al. produce an annotated webliography of the institutions included and asks group to state a number of theses for discussion. MT3: Audiences for distance education -is forward link to Module 5 Organizational models; suggests the topics for projects/seminar papers |
Week 5: 02/28-03/06 National policies for distance education |
Module 3: National policies for distance education (continuation) |
Week 6: 03/07-03/13 International policies for distance education |
Module 4: International policies for distance
education This module identifies major players shaping educational policy internationally, examines their role and policies, giving special emphasis to distance education. MT1: International policy in education -discusses the role of international agencies in shaping educational policies; special emphasis is given to the World Bank, the OECD and UNESCO MT2: Policy statements on distance education -examines the policy statements on distance education issued by international agencies (including World Bank, UNESCO, European Union). MT3: Specialized agencies -describes the role of COL and CIFFAD being specialized agencies for distance education. MT4: Group task -suggests to join forces to construct an annotated webliography of international agencies and resouces related to distance education in the developing world. |
Week 7: 03/14-03/20 International policies for distance education |
Module 4: International policies for distance education |
Week 8: 03/21-03/27 Organizational models |
Module 4: Organizational models: |
Week 9: 03/28-04/03 Organizational models |
Module 4: Organizational models |
Week 10: 04/04-04/10 Organizational models |
Module 4: Organizational models: Teacher training and professional
support |
Week 11: 04/11-04/17 Organizational models |
Module 4: Organizational models: Higher education |
Week 12: 04/18-04/24 Outcomes |
Module 5: Outcomes Week 12 is dedicated to the conference with H.Perraton. Central to the conference will be approaches to assessment of distance education. MT1: How to assess distance education? - suggests a number of performance indicators; discussion should center around methodological and conceptua issues relevant for students' projects. MT2: "What the figures say" - clarifies concepts of costing and cost-effectiveness; summarieses the evidence (based on Perraton Chapter 6) |
Week 13: 04/25-05/02 Project |
Module 6: Project At this stage the project should be in an advanced stage already. Here participants may support each other or, in specific cases, may ask the course faculty for support. MT1: Project help desk - provides an opportunity to communicate about 'work in progress'. |
Week 14: 05/03-05/08 Project |
Module 6: Project Continuation of project work and course evaluation. (Due date for submitting project 05/08) |
Week 15: 05/09-05/14 Wrapping up |
Wrapping up and looking forward MT1: Looking back, looking forward -main topic summaries and evaluates the course -looks forward to OMDE626 |