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The First Mile of Connectivity
PREFACE Communication for Development practitioners often talk about the importance of experiencing
and reflecting upon communication processes.
We tend to give more attention to catalysing and analysing communication processes than to the
media products that result from those
processes. "Process over product," is a phrase we often use. The process of collecting
and editing the papers in this book was a unique
communication process experience and it deserves mention here, together with appreciative words
to all those who kept the process alive.
While many telecommunication experts talk about rural areas as the "last mile of connectivity,"
we agree fully with the "first mile" wisdom of
Titus Moetsabi of the Southern African Development Community's Centre of Communication for Development
in Harare, Zimbabwe. Titus
suggests that, from the perspective of someone living and working in a rural area, we must change
our language to reflect the need for a
more progressive and aggressive way of characterizing the need for improvements in rural telecommunication
systems around the world.
Titus was the first to coin the term "First Mile of Connectivity" to challenge the prevailing
notions that rural people, rural communities and
rural infrastructure are always backward and always last.
In producing this book, we were able to experience the reality of working at the "First Mile,"
with the help of "First Mile" rural
telecommunication systems. The bulk of the early collection and editing work was accomplished via
the Internet, with Lynnita Paisley
working at the Don Snowden Program for Development Communication in Canada and Don Richardson working
in a rural area of the Nile
Delta at the Development Support Communication Centre in Dikirnis, Egypt. We had the opportunity
to put a rural telecommunication system
in a developing country to the test: it passed with flying colours. No matter where we happened
to be working, we were fully connected to
the world through copper phone lines, modems, microwave systems, satellites and fibre optic cables.
A great deal of the technical credit
must go to the staff and management of Internet Egypt, surely Egypt's best Internet service provider.
Via the Internet, the papers in this book flew around the globe, stopping in Canada and rural Egypt
for us to apply our editorial judgements.
We were able to work with contributors who were in resident in, or travelling in, places such as
Zimbabwe, South Africa, Italy, England,
Australia, Haiti, Northern Labrador, Switzerland, Chile, and various parts of the United States.
A significant number of the contributors
submitted their papers from within the rural areas in which they live and work.
There are numerous people to be thanked for enabling us to produce this book. The person who provided
most of the inspiration for the
book, and to whom the book is dedicated, is the late Don Snowden. Despite an incredible contribution
to the field of communication for
development his writing was rarely published, and it is a privilege to include one of his few manuscripts
as a chapter here. His family and
friends, through their support for the Don Snowden Program for Development Communication at the
Department of Rural Extension Studies,
University of Guelph, are helping to insure that his legacy is never forgotten.
L. Van Crowder, Senior Officer, Communication for Development, Research, Extension and Training
Division (SDR), at the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), deserves special credit for having the vision
to conceive of a book like this, and to
follow through and push us hard to complete it. Louise Fresco, Director, Research, Extension and
Training Division, and William Lindley,
Senior Officer, Agricultural Education, along with colleagues in FAO's Electronic Information Systems
Working Group, Riccardo del
Castello, David Dion, Lydda Gaviria, Philippe van der Stichele, Jon Anderson, and Wendy Truelove,
provided many insights and a great deal
of encouragement. Silvia Balit, the former head of FAO's Communication for Development Group, was
always there with unyielding support
and valuable constructive criticism.
Our colleagues at the Don Snowden Program for Development Communication and the Department of Rural
Extension Studies at the
University of Guelph continue to put up with the hectic travel schedules that go along with work
in this field. Ab Moore, Jana Janakiram and
Mohamed Abul Magd put up with Don Richardson's late hours while working together with Ibrahim Gamal
and the staff of the Development
Support Communication Centre in Dikirnis, Egypt. Early morning walks through the farms, and strong
coffee at the village coffee shop,
helped keep the job of editing focused… "shukran kateer!". Erika McMillan, Doug Pletsch,
Ricardo Ramirez and Sue Rimkus provided much
needed grounding in Guelph.
Friends, and fellow rural telecom advocates at those heavily "wired" private sector rural
telecom groups, TeleCommons Development Group,
Agribiz.Net, and SR Telecom, Helen Aitkin, Paul Graham, Darren Marsland, Graham Dyer, Dave Johnston,
Pablo Leal, Ricardo Gomez, Dave
Barr, Mark Lusignan and Joe Rubino were always at the other end of an Email message to help with
logistics, technical background and
positive vibes. Paul, Ricardo and Pablo's Email updates from rural telecommunication fieldwork
in Haiti were consistently inspiring when
received in rural Egypt. Mark's ever-practical focus on profitable and sustainable rural telecom
services that achieve developmental goals is
indelibly stamped on this book.
The list of people to thank could go on. Friends and colleagues at the International Development
Research Centre, the Bellanet Secretariat,
SR Telecom, the Southern African Development Community's Centre of Communication for Development,
the World Bank, the Canadian
International Development Agency, Zamnet, the United Nations Development Programme, and the International
Fund for Agricultural
Development all provided insights and inspiration at some point in the conception of this book.
Johan Ernberg of the International
Telecommunication Union deserves special thanks for doing so much to keep telecommunications for
rural development issues clearly on the
international agenda.
Our families deserve special thanks for coping with our professional passions. Thanks especially
to Karen Kennedy for keeping the home
fires burning on the Niagara Escarpment. Thanks, too, to the family at Laurenda - Gary, Elenor,
and Matthew. Your support and perspective
were needed and appreciated.
Don Richardson and Lynnita Paisley
» Siehe Dokument: http://www.fao.org/docrep/x0295e/x0295e00.htm