ICT and Development: Sites and sources

Welt Bank

World Bank Institute (WBI)

"The World Bank Institute creates learning opportunities for countries, World Bank staff and clients, and people committed to

poverty reduction and sustainable development."

"The WBI's work program includes training, policy consultations, and the creation and support of knowledge networks related to

international economic and social development."

It has, in the last couple of years, gained increased prominence having assumed the status of a Vice Presidency (see organizational

Chart) and having just this year, 2002, been declared an operational unit. In WBI's role as an operational unit, it is now able to take

responsibility for the dispensing of loans whereas previously, it only contributed training expertise to projects that resided in other

divisions of the World Bank.

"As the learning arm of the World Bank, WBI designs and delivers courses and seminars aimed at reducing poverty and promoting

economic opportunity and growth."

» Siehe Dokument: http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/