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ICT and Development:
Sites and sources | | |
World Links for Development
"The World Links for Development (WorLD) Program links students and teachers around the world with
the aid of new
technologies to improve educational opportunities and build global awareness. WorLD began in 1997 as
a philanthropic pilot
initiative of the World Bank in response to widespread requests from developing countries to assist
them in preparing their youth to
enter an information age and participate effectively in the global economy of the next millennium. WorLD
provides sustainable
solutions for mobilizing the equipment, training, educational resources and school-to-school partnerships
required to bring students in
developing countries online and into the global community. In countries where papers, pencils, and textbooks
are rare, WorLD
provides access to information and ... opportunity. By linking schools across the globe through collaborative
projects and
educational networks, WorLD enriches the experience of educators and students in industrialized as well
as developing countries.
Youth gain the knowledge and technological skills they need to succeed in the 21st Century, and to contribute
to their country's
development as part of a global economy."
Development Education Program
"The Global Distance EducationNet (Global DistEdNet) is a knowledge guide to distance education
designed to help clients of the
World Bank and others interested in using distance education for human development. The Network consists
of a core site located
at the World Bank and regional sites in all parts of the world."
» Siehe Dokument: http://www.worldbank.org/worldlinks/english/index.html