ICT and Development: Sites and sources

Welt Bank

Information for development program


"InfoDev began in September 1995 with the objective of addressing the obstacles facing developing countries in an increasingly

information-driven world economy. It is a global grant program managed by the World Bank to promote innovative projects on the

use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for economic and social development, with a special emphasis on the

needs of the poor in developing countries."

"It shares worldwide experience with, and disseminates best practices to, governments and key decision-makers, both public and

private, on the economic development potential of communications and information systems."

It channels policy advice and other technical assistance to governments in developing economies on privatization, private entry and

competition in the communications and information sectors, and on improving the policy, regulatory and business environment for


All activities are designed to support workable strategies and can include workshops, assessments, demonstration projects,

feasibility studies, or other approaches. They can cover one or many countries; and address one or many sectors."

» Siehe Dokument: http://www.infodev.org/