Central text books
for this course is
-- Mansell, R., Wehn, U. (Ed.). (1998). Knowledge
societies: information technology for sustainable development. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Frequent reference
will still be made to the textbook of OMDE 625
-- Perraton, H. (2000). Open and distance learning in the developing world.
London: Routledge.
Further journal articles and papers referenced in this syllabus will generally be supplied online.
It is strongly recommended that students purchase the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed.). As noted below, the ability to write to APA standards is a Graduate School requirement.
Required readings:
-- Held, D., McGrew, A., Perraton, J. (2000). Global transformations: politics,
economics and culture (Introduction, pp. 1-31). Cambridge: Polity.
-- Castells, M. (2000). The information age: economy, society and culture
(Vol. I: The rise of the network society; Prologue, pp. 1-27, The new economy,
pp. 77-162). Oxford: Blackwell.
-- Mansell, R., Wehn, U. (Ed.). (1998). Knowledge
societies: information technology for sustainable development. (Chapters
2-4, pp. 19-80) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Additional readings:
-- Bedi, A. S. (1999). The
role of information and communication technologies in economic development.
ZEF (Center for Development Research, Universität Bonn). Retrieved 02/28,
2002, from the World Wide Web: http://www.zef.de/zef_englisch/f_publ.html
-- Castells, M. (2000). The information age: economy, society and culture
(Vol. III: End of the millenium, Chapter 2, pp. 69-168). Oxford: Blackwell.
-- Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., Schwartzman, S., Scott, P., Trow,
M. (1994). The new production of knowledge. London: SAGE.
-- UNDP. (2001). Human Development Report 2001: making new technologies work
for human development. New York, Oxford: UNDP, Oxford University Press.
-- Schiller, D. (1999). Digital capitalism networking the global market system
(Chapter 2: Going global: the neoliberal project in transnational telecommunications,
pp. 37-88). Cambrige Mass.: MIT Press.
-- World Bank:. (1999). World Development Report: knowledge for development.
(Part I, pp. 16-56) New York: Oxford University Press.
Required readings:
-- Vanbuel, M. Improving
access to education via satellites in Africa: a primer.
Retrieved 02/28, 2002, from the World Wide Web: http://www.imfundo.org/satprimer/contents.htm
-- Jensen, M. (1999). The
wireless toolbox: a guide to using low-cost radio communication systems for
telecommunication in developing countries - an African perspective. International
Development Research Centre (IDRC). Retrieved 12/02, 2001, from the World Wide
Web: http://www.idrc.ca/acacia/studies/ir-jens.htm
-- Sreedher, R. (2002). Radio
vision: multimedia through digital radio India: UNESCO.
-- Rangarajan, S., Soumagne, J., Samir, M. (2002). Reaching the unreached
worldwide using WorldSpace radio. Paper presented at the LearnTec/Unesco
Global Forum, Karlsruhe.
Required readings:
-- Castells, M. (2000). The information age: economy, society and culture
(Vol. III: End of the millenium, Chapter 2: The rise of the Fourth World:
informational capitalism, poverty and social exclusion. pp. 68-168). Oxford:
Additional readings:
Wade, R. (2001). Development
assistance in the digital age. Paper presented at the Joint OECD/UN/UNDP/World
Bank Global Forum at the OECD: Exploiting the Digital Opportunities for Poverty
Reduction, Paris.
Bedi, A. S. (1999). The
role of information and communication technologies in economic development.
ZEF (Center for Development Research, Universität Bonn). Retrieved 02/28,
2002, from the World Wide Web: http://www.zef.de/zef_englisch/f_publ.html
World_Bank. (2000). The
networking revolution: opportunities and challenges for developing countries.
Retrieved 10/16, 2001, from the World Wide Web: http://www.oecd.org/dac/digitalforum/docs/Wade_presentation.pdf
Grace, J., Kenny, C., Qiang, C., Liu, J., Reynolds, T. (2001). Information
and communication technologies and broad-based development: a partial review
of the evidence. GICT World Bank. Retrieved 09/17/2001, from the World Wide
Web: http://www.worldbank.org/poverty/strategies/chapters/ict/ict.htm
Loader, B. D. (Ed.). (1998). Cyberspace divide: equality, agency and policy
in the information society. London: Routledge.
Holderness, M. (1998). Who are the world's information poor? In B. D. Loader
(Ed.), Cyberspace divide: equality, agency and policy in the information
society (pp. 35 - 56). London: Routledge.
Haywood, T. (1998). Global networks and the myth of equality: tricke down or
trickle away? In B. D. Loader (Ed.), Cyberspace divide: equality, agency
and policy in the information society (pp. 19 - 34). London: Routledge.
Castells, M. (2001). Chapter 8: The geography of the internet: networked places.
In M. Castells (Ed.), The internet galaxy (pp. 207-246). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Required readings:
-- Perraton, H., Creed, C. (2000). Applying
new technologies and cost-effective delivery systems in basic education.
IRFOL. Retrieved, from the World Wide Web: www2.unesco.org/wef/en-docs/findings/technofinal.pdf
-- Mansell, R., Millar, J. (1999). Software
applications and poverty reduction: a review of experience. Department
for International Development. Retrieved 09 21, 2001, from the World Wide Web:
-- Orivel, F. (2000). Finance, costs and economics. In C. Yates, and Bradley,
J. (Ed.), Basic education at a distance. London: Routledge.
Additional readings:
-- Yates, C., & Bradley, J. (2000). Basic education at a distance. London,
New York: Routledge, COL.
-- Latchem, C., Walker, D. (2001). Telecentres:
case studies and key issues. COL. Retrieved 10/16, 2001, from the World
Wide Web: http://www.col.org/Telecentres/Telecentres_complete.pdf
-- Siaciwena, R. (2000). Case
studies of non-formal education by distance and open learning. COL. Retrieved
02/28, 2002, from the World Wide Web: http://www.col.org/Consultancies/00nonformal.htm
Required readings:
-- Rangarajan, S., Venugopal, D. (2002). Evolution of ADVICE, Auxiliary
Data and Voice Integrated Channel for Education: the Indian field trials.
Paper presented at the LearnTec/Unesco Global Forum, Karlsruhe.
-- Rangarajan, S., Kiptoon, J.C. (2002). Satellite-based supplement to school
education: pilot study in Kenya. Paper presented at the LearnTec/Unesco
Global Forum, Karlsruhe.
-- Cawthera, A.
Computers in secondary schools in developing countries: costs and other issues.
(Including original data from South Africa and Zimbabwe). DFIF, WorLD,
The Human Development Network of the World Bank. Retrieved 28/92, 2002, from
the World Wide Web: http://www.imfundo.org/computercosts/computcosts.htm
-- Potashnik, M. (1996). Chile's learning network. Education and Technology
Series, World Bank, 1(2).
-- Orivel, F. (2000). Finance, costs and economics. In C. Yates, and Bradley,
J. (Ed.), Basic education at a distance. London: Routledge.
Additional readings:
-- Mukhopadhyay, M., Philips, S. (Ed.). (1994). Open
schooling: selected experiences. Vancouver: COL.
-- Potashnik, M., Adkins D. (1996). Cost analysis of information technology
projects in education: experiences from developing countries. Education and
Technology Series, World Bank, 1(3).
Required readings:
-- Naidoo, V., Casper Schutte, C. (1999). Virtual institutions on the African
continent. In G. Farrell (Ed.), The
development of virtual education: a global perspective. (pp. 89 - 124):
-- UNESCO. (2001). Teacher
education through distance learning: technology, curriculum, cost, evaluation.
UNESCO. Retrieved 04/04, 2002, from the World Wide Web: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001242/124208e.pdf#xml=http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?database=ged&set=3C869076_3_67&hits_rec=22&hits_lng=eng
-- Cunningham, S., Ryan, Y., Stedman, L., Tapsall, S., Bagdon, K., Flew, T.,
Coaldrake, P. (2000). The
business of borderless education. Department of Education, Training and
Youth Affairs. Retrieved 12.12., 2001, from the World Wide Web: http://www.detya.gov.au/archive/highered/eippubs/eip00_3/execsum.htm
-- Saint, W. (2000). Tertiary distance education and technology in Sub-Saharan
Africa. Education
and Technology, Technical Notes Series, 5(1).
-- Bates, T. (2001). The continuing evolution of ICT capacity: the implications
for education. In G. Farrell (Ed.), The
changing faces of virtual education. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL).
Additional readings:
-- Farrell, G. (Ed.). (2001). The
changing faces of virtual education. The Commonwealth of Learning (COL).
Retrieved 12/10, 2001, from the World Wide Web: http://www.col.org/virtualed/index2.htm
-- Farrell, G. (Ed.). (1999). The
development of virtual education: a global perspective. London: The Commonwealth
of Learning (COL) and the Department for International Development (DfID).
-- Dikshit, H. P., Garg, S., Panda, S., Vijayshri (Ed.). (2002). Access and
equity: challenges for open and distance learning. New Delhi: Kogan Page
India Private Ltd.
-- Harry, K. (Ed.). (1999). Higher education through open and distance learning.
London, New York: Routledge, COL.
-- Mathewson, C., Va'a, Ruby. (1999). The South Pacific: kakai mei tahi. In
K. Harry (Ed.), Higher education through open and distance learning.
London, New York: Routledge, COL.
-- Chacón, F. (1999). Distance education in Latin America: growth and
maturity. In K. Harry (Ed.), Higher education through open and distance learning.
London, New York: Routledge, COL.
-- Schutte, C. J. H. (2001). Best practices in information technology for
tertiary education (GTZ-CT-2001.DOC). Eschborn: GTZ.