Preweek: May, 24 to May, 30 |
Preweek: (read only) |
Week 1: May, 31 to June, 06 Introduction; |
Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Education and development |
Week 2: June, 07 to June, 13 |
Education and development (cont.) |
Week 3: June, 14 to June, 20 National policies for distance education |
Module 3: National policies for distance
education |
Week 4: June, 21 to June, 27 International policies for distance education |
Module 4: International policies for distance
education This module identifies major players shaping educational policy internationally, examines their role and policies, giving special emphasis to distance education. MT1: International policy in education -discusses the role of international agencies in shaping educational policies; special emphasis is given to the World Bank, the OECD and UNESCO MT2: Policy statements on distance education -examines the policy statements on distance education issued by international agencies (including World Bank, UNESCO, European Union). MT3: Specialized agencies -describes the role of COL and CIFFAD being specialized agencies for distance education. MT4: Group task -suggests to join forces to construct an annotated webliography of international agencies and resouces related to distance education in the developing world. |
Week 5: |
Module 5: Organizational models: This module reviews the role distance education has played in different fields of application including basic education, schooling, teacher training and higher education. MT1: Basic education - makes a case for the use of distance education and examines the reason why it is underused. MT2: School equivalency -surveys different applications of distance education in the school context. MT3: Teacher Training -surveys experience with teacher training at a distance; a template for otherother kind of professional support at a distance? MT4: Higher education -examines the use of distance education with special emphasis to 'open universities'. |
Week 6: |
Module 5: Organizational models: Basic education
and vocational training (continuation) MT5: Project conference on basic education (due date for annotated bibliography and project conference: to be specified) |
Week 7: July, 12 to July, 18 Organizational models |
5: Organizational models: School
equivalency MT6: Project conference on distance education in primary and secondary schools (due date for annotated bibliography and project conference: to be specified) |
Week 8: July, 19 to July, 25 Organizational models |
Module 5: Organizational models: Teacher training and professional
support |
Week 9: July, 26 to August 01 Organizational models |
Module 5: Organizational models: Higher education |
Week 10: August, 02 to August 08 Outcomes |
Module 6: Outcomes |