OMDE601 Discussion thread

13.11 :-) Linda Heil to Thomas' intro

Discussion postings in this course range from single bulletin-type postings to more comprehensively debated issues.

Bulletin or single postings were evident in the earlier modules, such as in module 2. Many of the postings in this module consisted ofuestions and answers indicated by these examples:

Reading Assignment on basic principles of DE (Boerje Holmberg)

· Reading Assignment Question (Lisa M Mathey)

o To Lisa(3.1) (Boerje Holmberg)

· Question about DE future in elementary&secondary ed (Lenora B Giles)

o To Leonora (3.3) (Boerje Holmberg)

· Re: Reading - Two Questions (3) (Cynthia T Willets)

o To Tea (3.4) (Boerje Holmberg)

Later modules such as module 3 display an inclination for increased student discourse for individual postings. This can be seen in this exchange about online discussions:

Seminar discussion on Michael Moore's concept of distance education (Otto Peters)

· Re: Seminar discussion on Michael Moore's concept of distance education (Cynthia J Leiser)

· On line chats (7.2) (Cynthia T Willets)

o To Cynthia(7.2) (Otto Peters)

o To Tea (7.2) (Otto Peters)

· Re: dialogue (7.2) (Linda M Heil)

o Re: dialogue (7.2) (Sherri L Anderson-Cherry)

o Re: dialogue (7.2) (Brent A Elrod)

o To Linda (7.2) (Otto Peters)

· Re: On line chats (7.2) (Cynthia J Leiser)

The active participation in this debate (module 4) is also evidence of increased student interaction and dialog. Those opposed maysay that this is not a phenomenon common only to online communication. But, is does speak to an equal value for both online andface-to-face communication in seminars.

Online communication in seminars should be viewed as superior to face-to-face communication for certain personality types. Bothintroverts and extroverts can be comfortable in expressing their ideas without the "visual barriers that hinder some individuals inexpressing themselves" (NYU, n.d., para. 6). As additional evidence, Jeannie, in Module 2: Reading Assignment on basic principlesof DISTANCE EDUCATION, Title: Reading Assignment on basic principles of DISTANCE EDUCATION, Response Title:comment on Keegan's characteristicsDate: Wednesday, 2/27/2002 5:04 PM EST, stated "I agree that there is a separation of the teacher and student but I would alsolike to tell you how my experience in a distance education learning environment has sometimes brought out a more assertive role inme as a student. In the classroom environment, I was sometimes too shy to ask a question but in a distance format, I find myselfmore willing to take a chance and make a comment." How many others in this course feel exactly the same way? How manystudents actually gravitate to online learning because they are communication shy in face-to-face situations?

Is online communication equal or superior to face-to-face?

In many aspects it is, but the actual answer is relative and lies within the individual.

Linda Heil


NYU. (n.d.). The virtual college campus. Retrieved May 7, 2002 from