OMDE601 Discussion thread

13.16 :-? Thomas to Thomas' intro

13.16.8 :-? Karen

I have found that this was actually very interesting to sit here and real through all of the posts of this debate.

I was actually able to follow through pretty easily but at times I found myself clicking back and rereading to make sure Iwas following the correct post. Then I decided to open another window for webtycho so that I could compare side byside!

I had the opportunity last year to partake in an online class debate when I was enrolled at IUP (Indiana University ofPennsylvania) I was there a semester when I decided that Distance Education was something that I wanted to work inand it was of more interest to me than just education.They had a format that perhaps Thomas might find interesting and could tailor it for future use.

We were set up in groups such as we are now. Each was given a pro and con side and you set up times to debate it intheir online classroom. You were notified in advance of what the topic was and you were given a week to prepare.There was protocol to follow and in this debate there were two neutral parties that posted a summary of the debatewithin 48 hours. I learned a lot from this class and even if you agreed or did not agree with the issue being debated itmade you try and turn around the subject manner to convince the neutral observers in the chat that your point was theone that should be choosen as the winner.

Everyone had the opportunity to be a pro, con, or neutral observer so that you experienced each side of a certainsubject of a debate.I don't know if it would work for all subjects but for training in education it worked well!
