OMDE601 Discussion thread

13.3 :-? Lisa to Thomas' intro

I would like to refer to the answer I posted to a question Otto Peters asked us in Module 2 as my opposition to our debate.Dialogue that occurs online is not the same as what is exchanged in a class or seminar room. In today's distance education courses, students, instructors, and administrative staff can participate in a dialogue at any time of the day and from any location. The dialogue is continuous and provides opportunities for communication to take place in a non-threatening or isolated environment. Most dialogue in the class or seminar room is driven by the verbal and non-verbal cues students receive from the other students and instructor,thus effecting the way in which they learn. This form of discussion provides the student with a better opportunity to asses their level of learning than those taking place in an online conference because they would receive immediate feedback needed to strengthen their comprehension of the course content.