13.9 :-) Lynn to Thomas' introPROPOSER: Does the analysis of the discussion in this course provide sufficient evidence to support the motion that onlineconferences can produce equal or superior outcomes than discussions in traditional (i.e. face-to-face) seminars? In Module 3, we read the article Theory and Distance Education: A New Discussion in which Michael Simonson, Charles Schlosser,and Dan Hanson made the following statement (1999): Outcomes. Finally, the outcomes of a learning experience are those obvious, measurable, and significant changes that occur cognitively and effectively in learners because of their participation in the course or unit. Outcomes consist of at least two categories: those that are instructor determined and those determined by learners. Instructor-determined outcomes are usually stated as course goals and objectives and identify what learners should be able to accomplish after the learning experience that they could not accomplish prior to participating in it. Learner-determined outcomes are less specific, more personal, and relate towhat the learner hopes to accomplish as a result of participation. Equivalent learner-determined outcomes are identified when students enroll in follow-up courses or apply newly learned skills to job or course situations (p.60-75). Based on this definition, learner-determined outcomes are a student's personal opinion. Personally, my learner-determinedexperiences have been mostly positive. I believe my participation is stronger online than in a traditional classroom setting, where it iseasy to appear interested yet not retain the discussion's meaning. By just sitting in a classroom, a student can physically participatethrough body language yet not mentally comprehend any of the information. In the online classroom, however, your response isposted to allow other students to react. You are accountable for your words and understanding of the material, and others will noticeyour mistakes. By comparison, the professor determines instructor-determined outcomes by stating them in the course goals and objectives. Students are told in advance what they are expected to accomplish by the end of the course. Outcomes are measured by thegrades received after each assignment and comments made to our postings. In conclusion, I believe online conference discussions are equal to those conducted in a regular classroom setting. I also feel anonline classroom offers more in the way of participation. Since postings are normally done with students responding to the maintopic and other responses, a normally interruptive student in a traditional setting must wait their chance to respond. By offering eachstudent equal opportunity, more people will be willing to participate in an online conference.
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