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Discussion thread | | |
13.6.6 :-) Anthony
It is unlikely, that in this course online discussion proved as effectual as a face to face seminar
would. Reference Module 2, Thread 4. Numerous questions were
asked of Boerje, however the limitations of the current technology (not allowing more then 3 levels
of discussion ) and the time involved in preparing comments (one
seldom runs spell check on the spoken word) stopped the ebb and flow of ideas. The flow of the discussion
is stilted, and it is sometimes difficult to follow the
patterns of conversation. What is missing is the natural mental movement from one concept to another.
Your argument defeats itself ... yes, look at all the questions being asked. Questions that wouldn't
likely be asked in a F2F classroom due to shyness, feeling stupid,
etc. While online the number of questions significantly increases. That's not a sign of a lack of understanding,
that's a sign of a greater level of participation on the
student's part. I have never witnessed as much discourse in a classroom as I have online.