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3.1.3 :-? Cynthia (to Thomas?)
It is very difficult to interpret the tone of this response when I can only read the printed words and
not observe the intonation of the respondent's voice nor observe his
face or body language. My first impression upon reading it, however, was not one of "friendly conversation"
that motivated and promoted study pleasure.
In Borje Holmberg's "Theory and Practice of Distance Education," he stresses the importance
of the concept of guided didactic conversation and states in postulate 1
that "feelings of personal relation between the teaching and learning parties promote study pleasure
and motivation" (p. 47). In postulate 4, Holmberg states that "the
atmosphere, language and conventions of friendly conversation favour feelings of personal relation according
to postulate 1."
The tone of the written word can often be misinterpreted whereas a genuine smile and sparkle in one's
eyes cannot.