Our group covered 15 different teaching Institutions in our review. Herein, you will find reviews on the following institutions:

University of Helsinki
Bangladesh Open University
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
The Open University

North America
Columbia Video Network
University of Phoenix Online
Athabasca University
Penn State
Simon Fraser University

Other Continents
Open University of Hong Kong
University of Southern Queensland
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Open Polytech of New Zealand
University of South Africa



The Open University admitted its first students in 1971. It is the UK's largest university, with over 200,000 students and customers. The OU represents 22% of all part-time higher education students in the UK.

The university is ranked amongst the top UK universities for the quality of its teaching. Of the 19 subjects assessed by the Quality Assurance Agency, the majority have been judged 'Excellent'.

Courses are available throughout Europe and, usually by means of partnership agreements with other institutions, in many other parts of the world. About 26,000 learners are studying OU courses outside the UK.

Undergraduate level courses do not require any entry qualifications. Over a third of people starting these courses have qualifications below conventional university entry requirements. Despite this, around 70% of OU students successfully complete their courses each year.

Two thirds of students are aged between 25 and 44, but students can enter at the age of 18. Nearly all OU students are part-time and about 70% of undergraduate students remain in full-time employment throughout their studies. More than 110,000 OU students are on-line.

OU courses are considered to be among the world's best distance education materials and are regularly awarded for their innovation. In recent years, 'Computing, An Object-Oriented Approach' won a British Computer Society award for IT, 'Discovering Science' received a British Environment and Media Award for its innovative use of CD Rom, and 'Geology' was named as one of Europe's best new multimedia products when it won the knowledge and discovery category at the prestigious EuroPrix awards.

Nineteen subject areas within the OU have been recognized as producing research work with evidence of international quality and a further seven subjects show evidence of national excellence.


Through the Centre for Distance Education, a unit within Continuing Studies, Simon Fraser University offers one of the largest distance education programs in Canada. In 1975 the University offered its first five distance education courses to 55 students. Currently, the Centre services over 12,000 course enrolments a year through 275 offerings of 130 different credit courses. Another 30 courses are currently under development. Formal academic programs include degrees, certificates, and post-baccalaureate diplomas in a number of fields. Many of the program areas are unique academic offerings in British Columbia. As well, the LohnLab supports faculty in the design of appropriate models for online teaching and in the development, delivery, and evaluation of online and web-based courses and programs. At the provincial level, Simon Fraser University is a partner in a system of distance education that includes the other universities as well as the Knowledge Network, the instructional television network of British Columbia. For over ten years, these institutions have collaborated to ensure university-level planning for open learning and distance education on a province-wide basis. They have ensured each institution's participation in the Open Learning Agency's Provincial Credit Bank.

Cuba | Ghana | Marshall Islands | Philippines | Seychelles | South Pacific | West Indies
The Centre for Distance Education is committed to collaborative endeavors in distance education, both at home and internationally. The Centre's international reputation derives not only from the range and quality of its distance education expertise but also from its clear Codes of Practice developed over many years of partnership activity. It endeavors to exemplify the University's formal policy commitment to being a "responsible and responsive" colleague in international activity. In association with a wide range of agencies and international NGO's, the Centre for Distance Education as a whole and its staff individually have participated in many international outreach projects, most of which are ongoing. Last year, 121 international representatives from 19 countries visited the Centre. Project planning and course development training were provided to visitors from the Philippines, Cuba, and Ghana for CIDA/AUCC-funded projects.
RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE IN INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS Simon Fraser University's contribution and commitment to international collaboration in distance education was recognized by a 1996 CADE/ACED Award of Excellence in the International Initiative category. The award was given jointly to the Centre and The University of the South Pacific for the Pacific Islands Nutrition Training Project (1992 - 95).The Centre's professional and technical staff have conducted program evaluations, feasibility studies, and training workshops (editing, desktop publishing, effective use of software and hardware, layout-graphics, online teaching, evaluation) in Canada and abroad. The following projects represent their recent international activities.


The University of South Africa, also known as Unisa, is one of 11 mega distance teaching universities in the world. It was established in 1873 as the University of the Cape of Good Hope. To ensure the status of the university, hence the recognition of degrees conferred by it, the university administration hastened to apply for a royal charter. The governor, Sir Henry Barkly, made representations to the Queen and the charter was granted in 1877.

In 1916 its name was changed to the University of South Africa. Under its auspices several colleges became autonomous universities.

Over fifty years ago, in 1946, Unisa pioneered tertiary distance education in the western world, a move which heralded the beginning of Unisa as we know it today. Distance education provides a unique opportunity to all who wish to further their studies and who cannot attend residential institutions because of personal circumstances or occupational obligations.

This University has its roots in the Cape, where it was formed as an examining body in 1873. Today, this function still exists in the Department of Music where, for over 100 years, music pupils have been examined.

In 1916 the University changed its name from the University of the Cape of Good Hope to the University of South Africa. Two years later it moved to Pretoria.

Under Unisa's umbrella many colleges became autonomous and several South African universities have their roots in Unisa.

In the 1940's with these universities and colleges becoming autonomous Unisa stood at the crossroads. The need for extra tuition for students who studied by themselves and came to be examined was clear. These students could not attend conventional residential universities for a number of reasons and most were older than the average student entering university for the first time. The idea of distance teaching was born and the Division of External Studies opened on 15 February 1946. The first Principal was Prof AJ van der Walt. The University began with a few thousand students and a handful of staff in offices in the centre of the city.

Since then the University has gone from strength to strength. It is one of 11 mega distance education universities in the world (universities with more than 100 000 students) and its qualifications are recognised worldwide. It has about 3 000 staff members including academic, administrative and support staff.

In 1973 the first building, the Theo van Wijk Building, was officially opened on the permanent campus on Muckleneuk Ridge. The University of South Africa stands today, an imposing landmark at the southern entrance of South Africa's capital city. Its motto "Spes in Arduis" means hope through difficulties.

Location and facilities

The University is located in Pretoria, and its impressive campus on Muckleneuk Ridge is a major landmark of the capital city. It has provincial centres in Cape Town, Durban and Pietersburg, Nelspruit and Umtata.  The University has 5 learning centres in Pretoria (Thutong), Johannesburg, Durban (Masifunde), Pietersburg and Cape Town and one satelite centre in Umtata.

To facilitate its services to approximately 120 000 registered students all over the world, the Unisa Library stocks more than 1.6 million books and journals at the main campus, provincial centres and learning centres in most major centres of South Africa.


Unisa offers internationally recognised certificate, diploma and degree courses up to doctoral level in six faculties: Arts, Economic and Management Sciences, Law, Science, Education and Theology and Religious Studies.

Unisa is constantly reappraising itself and improving its study material and teaching methods to meet the needs of its students.  Students have access to tutors at the learning centres where a limited number of lectures are given and students can discuss problems experienced in their studies.

The University is also utilizing the latest technology and recently launched the first phase of its Students On-line service on the Internet. This service enables students who have access to the Internet to communicate with their lecturers and fellow students via electronic mail. It also provides controlled access to students' personal and assignment information and the library catalogue.

Community Participation

Community participation is part of the mission of all tertiary institutions in South Africa. Unisa is no exception. For many years various sections, departments, centres, units, bureaux and institutes at Unisa have participated in community-based projects, often as an integral part of the University's teaching and research endeavors.

As all other tertiary education institutions in South Africa, Unisa is busy with a transformation process. Governance is one of the issues on the agenda of the Broad Transformation Forum as well as the formation of a language policy for the University and the reformation of the University of South Africa Act.


Founded in 1976, to answer the educational need of working professionals, University of Phoenix is the nation's largest private university.

They offer Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctorate programs - all on-line. Classes are designed to be taken in sequence, one at a time, with each class lasting between five and six weeks. There are no semesters, so students can begin a course of study any month of the year.

Courses are developed in cooperation with business and industry leaders. Students communicate asynchronously with each other and teachers. They are also able to work collaboratively with documents. Students submit their work to the ?group? mailbox for peer-reviews prior to it being graded by the professor.

Interaction with students is primarily done asynchronously.

Special services available to students include an enrollment advisor, financial advisor, academic counselor, the University of Phoenix's library on the Internet, online ordering of textbooks, student information center where students can lookup their grades and other academic information. There is also an Alumni Network students can get hooked into and find other alumni in their area to connect with face-to-face.


The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) was created in 1995 by initiative of the Generalitat Government of Catalonia. The aim of the UOC is to offer high quality distance education through the use of interactive multimedia programs.
The UOC offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate programs.
The programs are designed as multimedia programs, incorporating teleconferencing in a virtual campus.  This is all accomplished through computers and what the UOC call ?telematic communications networks.?
Students receive personal attention from their co-workers, or they may receive assistance from their tutors and advisors.  Students are assigned an advisor when they first enroll at UOC and that advisor will be with them for the duration. As the student adds classes, they are assigned tutors for those specific classes.
Students also have access to the virtual library, virtual workgroups, and virtual communities. Networks of support centers are available throughout Catalonia, which house videoconferencing, teleconferencing, and other computer equipment.


Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) was established in. The aim was to provide cost-effective, quality education to large sections of population including those living in remote areas.

The programs at IGNOU offer several academic programs that lead to Certificates, Diplomas and undergraduate degrees.

IGNOU currently offers 50 different programs, leading to certificates, diplomas and degrees. Experts from all over the country develop their courses. Courseware is primarily multimedia in nature, allowing students to work at their own pace.  Some courses are also offered via face-to-face with teleconferencing, while some still lend themselves to the traditional classroom.
Interaction with students is done both asynchronously and synchronously via e-mail and teleconferencing. Work centers are also set up around the country where students can obtain tutoring or perform lab exercises.


In the 1960's Alberta university enrollments rose so sharply that the need for a fourth was evident.  In response, Athabasca University was created in 1970.  
Created as a pilot project, and a study to observe new teaching and learning strategies that would allow students to pursue their educational goals without leaving their families, jobs, and homes.

Born of that venture was Athabasca University, a distance education center that would specialize in the delivery of distance education courses.  Six hundred and fifty students enrolled in the pilot program.  It's first convocation ceremony for two graduates was held in 1977.  

Athabasca University is dedicated to the removal of barriers that traditionally restrict access to and success in university studies and to increasing the equality of educational opportunity for all adult Canadians regardless of geographical location and prior academic credentials. The University boasts a committment to flexibility, excellence in teaching, research and scholarship, and service to the community.  

Arts, General Studies, Science, Administrative Studies, Commerce and Nursing.  

Business Administration(MBA), Distance Education(MDE) and Health Studies a variety of Certificate Programs as well.

Technology projects include transforming course materials into electronic format for use on the Web, Lotus notes and CD-ROM.  Staff develop training  materials as well as research the application of technologies in teaching and learning.
Individualized study courses (home study packages)allow learning at students own pace with student manual, study guide, textbook and/or CD-ROM, audio cassetts and videotapes and the Internet.
Additionally a variety of "electronic" delivery methods including radio, television, and teleconferencing to supplement print-based home study.
No admissions deadlines (Open Admissions), students enroll year round.

Both asynchronous and synchronous via toll-free telephone access, tele-conferencing, the Internet, e-mail and voice messaging with 24 hour access.

The Student Information Center (1996 & 1997) extended it's hours to include early mornings as well as the Computing Service Help Desk, assisting students, tutors, and professors using computers for teaching and administrative services.  Assessment of prior learning for credit including portfolio evaluations, essays or papers.  Online application and registration services.


Established in 1992 by an act of Parliament, Bangladesh Open University opened for distance education. Because adequate educational facilities were not available to the 112 million in population, the University meets the needs for education of all classes of people particularly those deprived of education in conventional institutions including women who are generally absent from any formal education. The mission is to create an educated and trained work force by providing access to a wide range of programs and vocational training for those persons in disadvantaged and rural areas.

School of Education, School of Social Science, Humanities & Language, School of Business, School of Science & Technology and School of Agriculture sand Rural Development.
Each school offers it's programs in accordance with the need of the country according to a countrywide education need survey conducted in 1993, identified 75 subjects.  Subjects are offered on a priority basis.

Programs either formal or non-formal are designed and curriculum prepared by the individual schools.  Books are also written and other academic activities performed under the guidance of the schools.
Relies heavily on print materials, electronic media, such as radio, television, audio-video cassettes, computer networking and the Internet.

Synchronous and asynchronous methods of interaction.  The Media Division produces audio-video educational programs and every student in a formal program is provided with a set of audio cassettes containing course materials with a set of textbooks.  Programs are also broadcast by radio everyday, six days a week by television at a fixed time.  Teams of teachers, script writers, producers, cameramen, sound technicians and presenters participate.  

Library service facilities at Regional Resource Centers for listening, viewing, reading and reference books.  600 tutorial Centers in different parts of the country.  Twice a month tutorial classes are arranged for students of every program.  
Student Support Services has 12 Regional Resource Centers which are contact points for students information, admission, registration, tutorial services and exams.  They also distribute books and cassettes and arrange tutorial services and distribute certificates.


The University of Southern Oueensland, established in 1977, is an educational community committed to excellence in teaching and research.  It provides access to accredited programs for learners from diverse social, economic and cultural backgrounds worldwide.  It is committed to choice in the modes of delivery of its programs on campus, off campus and online with people centered modern communications environment.  The online based delivery mode has been developed as a part of its committment to provide flexible education, anywhere, anytime. USQOnline was developed for students who would like to enhance their career and attain university accredited qualifications study by internet.  

Bachelors, Masters, Certificates in Accounting, Business, Technology, Nursing, Education, Communication, Engineering, General Studies, International Communication.

Online materials are usually prepared by the same lecturer who teaches other modes.  Online students are provided with access to all course materials online.  Materials may include power point slides, online quizzes w/ immediate feedback.   Study materials produced in print and mailed to students for external enrollees.  Assignments by mail, and communication with lecturer by telephone or email.

Asynchronous method is used used in teaching.
Technical support is guaranteed and interaction with other students via email, discussion and chat groups.  Features include telephone tutorials and electronic discussion groups.  Group email announcements insure participation.

Academic support is provided by online tutors.  Interaction with tutors and other students for support and clarification.  Specialized online resources literary assistance is provided.  Technical assistance is provided for software requirements and technical difficulties.

PENN STATE - USA, North America

History & Mission
Penn State was chartered by the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1855 as Farmers' High School. In May 1862, the institution was renamed the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania and a year later, under the Morrill Act, designated a land-grant college of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that expanded its responsibility to provide outreach as well as resident undergraduate and graduate education. In 1892, the College of Agriculture offered the first correspondence courses with the objective of providing practical, technical information in an interesting, easy-to-learn, low-cost manner.
Today, Penn State's Department of Distance Education offers approximately 300 credit and credit-free courses specifically designed to help individuals learn without disrupting their work schedules, family or community responsibilities, or other educational commitments. The delivery methodologies of distance education include independent learning, open learning, interactive television, teleconferencing, contract programs and outreach, and international programs. Credit courses are available to anyone who has a high school diploma or its equivalent and who has the prerequisites necessary for enrolment in a particular course. Students can earn an Associate Degree, Professional Master's Degrees, or a variety of Certificate Degrees. Credit-free courses are open to all interested students.

Distance Training Programs
There are two Distance Learning Programs available at Penn State, the Independent Learning Program and the World Campus. The Independent Learning program offers a collection of more than 150 individual courses that can be taken for general interest or used to complete an associate degree or certificate program. Students work one-on-one with their instructors at their own pace and can register for courses at any time throughout the year. Though some Independent Learning courses are enhanced electronically, most are predominantly print-based.

The World Campus is a complete academic environment drawing together the expertise of Penn State's renowned faculty, learner support that ranges from advising to on-line registration, and access to resources, including the University Libraries system. There are two different types of World Campus courses: "cohort-based" and "rolling enrollment." Cohort-based courses have standard start and end dates and are designed to facilitate group-related activities between classmates. Because rolling enrollment courses are open for registration anytime throughout the year, they cannot guarantee the peer-to-peer interaction of cohort-based courses.

Distance education at Penn State also includes CREAD and the American Center for the Study of Distance Education (ACSDE). CREAD, the Inter-American Distance Education Network, is a consortium of more than 60 universities and other organizations in Canada, the US, Mexico and South America. CREAD provides professional development and distance education program delivery partnership opportunities to institutions throughout the Americas. The American Center for the Study of Distance Education (ACSDE), established in 1988 in the College of Education, serves scholars and distance education professionals throughout the United States and abroad through a program of printed and electronic publications, conferences and workshops, and by acting as a focus for communication among the academic community in the United States and between the US community and distance educators around the world.

Development and Delivery Methods
Distance Education courses are developed and taught by the same Penn State faculty members teaching in "traditional" Penn State classrooms. World Campus Distance Education uses interactive videoconferencing, satellite, or streamed video to link faculty with students at other Penn State locations and at work sites globally. This distributed classroom approach extends access to Penn State graduate programs. It allows spontaneous student-to-faculty interaction as well as student-to-student interaction through real-time two-way audio and video connections. World Campus courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere there is an Internet connection, and they all incorporate Web-based enhancements to varying degrees. The World Campus currently has students in all fifty U.S. states, the District of Columbia, two territories, and twenty countries including Argentina, Austria, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Japan, and Malaysia.
Independent Learning course materials range from traditional print-based study guides and textbooks to integrated learning systems that include a combination of printed materials, video, audio, email, the World Wide Web, and voice response systems.

Student Interaction
Advisers are available to offer counsel and assistance; and to serve as a liaison between student and University admissions, registration and professors. World Campus faculty members provide direction and feedback throughout the course experience via e-mail and telephone. Penn State faculty members report having as much interaction with students via the World Campus as in the traditional classroom. Where companies have entered into a partnership with the University for professional development, employees can take courses independently or as a group at the workplace.

Special Services
World Campus degree and credit certificate students have online access to Penn State's vast University Libraries system more than 3.7 million volumes, 31,000 serials and periodicals, and numerous online research databases. World Campus technical support provides on-line resources such as a database of technical answers to computer problems; training courses; a Web Dictionary; and "live" support from Help Desk support staff via real-time chat. The World Campus Student Services team provides help with admissions, academic advising, or technical problems.

World Campus degree or credit certificate students are also eligible for membership in the Penn State Alumni Association, the largest alumni association in the United States.
A free course, World Campus 101 is designed to orient new and prospective students to Penn State's World Campus learning environment. and the skills needed to be a successful student. Penn State offers a significant library of career-advancement resources available through Student Affairs Career Services.


History & Mission
First created as the Technical Correspondence School in 1946, later the Technical Correspondence Institute (1963) becoming The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand in 1990.

In 2000, 29,915 individual students enrolled in Open Polytechnic courses. The majority are individual students in employment studying for job or career reasons. But they also include thousands of people studying for general interest or personal development, or under contract arrangements with institutional clients such as secondary schools, the Armed Forces, Industry Training Organizations, and public and private sector organizations. Seventy-three per cent of students were aged 25 years or older; 60 per cent were women. In terms of individual students, The Open Polytechnic is also the largest provider of tertiary education for Maori, with 3771 students.

The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand is a recognized international leader in open learning. Several key features make it a distinctive organization in the New Zealand education sector:
· The only specialist provider of open learning and open access.
· Expertise, resources and systems are geared to supporting learners wherever and whenever they choose to study.
· Customize products and services for business, industry and other organizations to meet their development needs.
· Courses are designed for the open learner by expert teams, and underpinned by excellent quality systems, academic advisors and a nation-wide library service.
· The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand is committed to ensuring equity of access for students and developing independent lifelong learners who can contribute in a skilled, internationally competitive workforce.

Distance Training Programs
All programs are open learning, student-centered, and resource based.
The profile of government subsidized courses at the tertiary level includes national certificates and diplomas, and Open Polytechnic of New Zealand certificates, diplomas and degrees. Programs include:
1. New Zealand Diploma in Business
2. Bachelor of Business
3. National Certificate in Real Estate
4. Legal Executives - Certificate
5. Diploma in Teaching (ECE)
6. Bachelor of Applied Science
7. Diploma in Health and Human Behavior
8. Diploma in Psychology
9. Basic Small Business Management
10. Diploma in Information and Library Studies

Development and Delivery Methods
Learning materials are usually self-paced course with notes and readings. May include audio cassettes or video tapes, CD Rom materials, audio-graphics teaching and teleconferencing.
"Campus" is a communications network connecting homes, workplaces and other learning environments to a service core based at Waiwhetu in Lower Hutt; in other words, a "virtual" campus.
Learning materials are produced by specialist teams including content experts, instructional designers and other technical personnel.
The technology and service infrastructure provides core resources and systems for supporting open learning. Each element of learning support (library services, personal tutor contact by free phone, informal study groups) can be offered singly or in whatever combination and form required, to best serve the needs of students or particular market segments.

Student Interaction
Students are all open learners. The teacher's role is to facilitate the learning process built into the learning resources. Therefore, there is direct free telephone access to a course tutor. Also access to instructor by Internet, E-mail and bulletin boards is available.

Special Services
Access to free library.
Academic counseling.
Assessment and recognition of prior learning and examination management.
"Diagnostic" services to assist individuals and organizations identify their education and training needs.
Increasing choice to students by seeking articulation agreements with other institutions to provide transfer of credit.

OSCAIL - Ireland, Europe

History & Mission
The National Distance Education Centre (also known as OSCAIL - the Irish word for 'Open') was established in 1982 and is located in Dublin City University. The Centre operates in co-operation with other higher education institutions in both the university and the technological sectors.
The extension of opportunities to adults to participate in higher education is the central objective of the Centre. This is achieved by providing second chance education, as well as programs aimed at updating skills in a changing technological environment.
Undergraduate level courses are open to all adults aged 23 years and over, under the mature entry process. A level of competence in mathematics is required for some technology modules. There were over 4,000 student enrolments in 1999, including over 1,200 in the BSc/Diploma in Information Technology program, 970 in the Humanities program, 250 in the nursing program, 300 in postgraduate programs. More than 20,000 students have participated in programs presented by the Centre since its inception.

Distance Training Programs
Programs available include:
Bachelor of Science/Diploma in Information Technology
Bachelor of Arts/Diploma in Arts
Bachelor of Nursing Studies
Master of Science/Graduate Diploma in Management of Operations
Graduate program in the Management and Application of Information Technology in Accounting
Master of Science in Internet Systems.

Development and Delivery Methods
Programs are developed by course teams drawn from all Irish Universities and other co-operating institutions.
All courses are of modular structure. Each undergraduate-level module is offered over a 32-week term beginning in February.
The principal teaching medium is printed correspondence text, supported by regular tutorials and/or practicals held in study centers throughout Ireland. Computer conferencing and videoconferencing have been used in a number of modules.

Student Interaction
Specialist tutors give individual support throughout studies.
Meet with tutor and fellow students at tutorials that take place at one of the regional study centres.

Special Services
Student Support System that includes: Tutorial Support, a Student Advisory Service and 12 Regional Study Centres.
Special introductory module to fine-tune skills is required.


Founding date         1986
Founding history - Part of Graduate Engineering School of Columbia University
Aim - Provide graduate education at the  workplace for engineering professionals
Degrees offered Master of Science or PhD
Faculties         Computer Science, Electrical
                       Engineering, Engineering and
                       Management Systems, Materials
                       Science, Mechanical Engineering,
                       Pharmaceutical Engineering, and
                       Telecommunications Engineering
Eligibility         Individuals with corporate
Credit Option         Prerequisite Bachelor degree
Audit Option         Available
Pedagogical structure Videoconferencing

Course materials and homework are exchanged by 3-mail to Professor or Teaching Assistant (TA) or, in the case of independent students to CVN
Professors/TA interact with students via e-mail or by telephone
Students interact with professors or other students via e-mail, class homepages, or by telephone

Courses are delivered in one of three types:


Participating company must provide: PictureTel equipment and computer/technical support, physical space for training to take place, site coordinator or site contact for technical support and for proctoring, financial support for student through a tuition assistance plan.

Teaching Behavior
On-campus professors hold classes and lectures in-front of cameras

Professors and Teaching Assistants grade and comment on assignments and examinations
Respond to students e-mail within 24hrs of receipt (excluding weekends and holidays)
Academic advisors (professors)

Learning Behaviors

Students read course notes, handouts, and textbooks
Students view videotapes, or participate in videoconference or on-line

Support Services

Express mail delivery of videotaped instruction programs for receipt next day after class
Express mail of homework and exams
Student Center
Website includes about CVN, registration, courses, services, calendars, contact information, getting started, request information, student guide, eligibility, student status, structure, financing
Course notes, instructional computer accounts
Learning packet


Academics               4-full-time staff (Director,
                       Associate Director of
                       Administration, Sales and Marketing
                       Manager, Technical Manager)
                       2-part-time staff (Publications and
                       Press Coordinator, Communications
                       20 part-time student employees
                      (Camera Operations, Program


Students can take courses for credit or audit courses
Students take classes at their workplace at convenient times during workday
Students/corporate training departments/company have option of three methods of course delivery
On-line courses can re-reviewed at students convenience
Videotaped courses can be re-reviewed
Courses can be delivered to more than one company site


Founding date         1980
Founding history The University of Helsinki is the
                       oldest and largest in Finland
Aim                 To provide a bridge between the
                       university and surrounding society
Degrees offered         Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral
Faculties         Theology, Law, Medicine, Arts,
                       Science, Education, Social
                       Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry,
                       and Veterinary Medicine
Lahti Centre        
   (a) Open University
          (1) Third Age  designed to encourage senior citizens to continue academic and recreative educational pursuits without the constraints of a formal degree
   (b) Continuing Education runs specialized institutes
across the country
   (c) Distance Education Centre is the developmental unit of Lahti Centre
DE Courses: Education, Adult Education,  
       Communications, Sciences, Special Education, Social
Psychology, Social Policy, Philosophy
   (d)  Independent-Study University Level Courses
Eligibility         No entrance qualifications
Languages         Finnish, Swedish, and some courses
                       in English
International Relations Active in European Community
                       programs in education, research,
                       and development.  In Education:
                Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, and
                       Tempus, student and teacher
                       exchanges is open to students of all
                departments and faculties
Pedagogical structure Teaching and Research

Course materials and homework are exchanged by e-mail to Professor
Students work in Study Centers and learning groups
Professors interact with students via e-mail, by telephone, mail, or face-to-face in study centers or at main campus

Printed study materials
Supplemented by audio tapes, educational radio and television programs, audio conferencing, Internet
*Virtual University Project to deliver more courses online

Teaching Behavior

Writing course material and developing supplemental materials
Professors grade and comment on assignments and examinations
Respond to students correspondence and e-mail

Learning Behaviors

Students read course materials
Students listen to audiocassette tapes, radio programs, , or participate in audio conferences,
Access courses on-line

Support Services

Study groups and learning centers (tutorials)
Information and guidance services are developed in cooperation with other Finnish Universities
IT services (computer workstations and infrastructure)
International Services manage student/teacher/researcher exchanges within EU programs and bi-lateral agreements
Special preparatory classes for training students to speak and write in Finnish


The Distance Education Centre is responsible for planning and development and coordinates with other faculties


Students work through course materials at their own pace
Students work independently and are involved in activities in a local study group


Founding date         1989   New name in 1997
Founding history Founded by Hong Kong governments as
                       open and Distance education
Aim                 To provide higher education mainly
                       through distance teaching. Life-
                       long learning
Degrees offered         Certificates, Associates,
                       Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral
Faculties         School of Business and
                       Administration, School of Education
                       and Language, School of Science and
                       Technology, School of Arts &
                       Sciences; Li Ka Shing Institute of
                       Professional and Continuing
                       Education (LiPACE)  
Eligibility         Minimum age 17.  No entrance
                       qualifications or assessments. Must
                       have a Hong Kong correspondence
Languages         Medium of instruction either
                       English or Chinese or both
                       depending upon subject matter
Partnerships         With overseas institutions in
                       Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
                       United Kingdom, United States
                       University of Maryland University
Pedagogical structure Distance teaching and learning


Student teacher interaction through online interactive, Web-based communication, e-mail, telephone, and face-to-face in tutorial centers or at main campus

Printed study materials
Supplemented by audiovisual, educational television programs, online, and Internet
Students can access the electronic library  to read books
Learning materials are either developed locally by subject mater experts and reviewed by internal and external reviewers to ensure quality or bought from overseas universities

Teaching Behavior

Study packages are designed to include activities, self-assessment questions and assignments for learners to practice what they have learned.  Feedback in the form of suggested answers to questions is also provided.

Tutors - students are assigned to a tutor
Tutors provides comments and advice on assignments
Tutors run optional face-to-face tutorials evenings and weekends

Learning Behaviors

Course materials are distributed from the main campus.  Students can come personally or send someone else to pick up
Students work through printed course materials, set books, and other materials
Students watch television broadcasts, access other media video and audio programs, computer software, CD-ROMs
Some courses use the Internet and Web-based course design

Support Services

Tutorials (most are off-campus)
Some courses require attendance at day schools or laboratory sessions for practical work
Information and guidance services
IT services (computer workstations and infrastructure)
Electronic Library
On-line Web based communications
Special preparatory classes for language enhancement in English and in Chinese
Island Learning Center (in Sheung Wan) provides advanced teaching and learning facilities connected to main campus (in Homantin) through a computer network


Information & Technology Development Plan (Triennial) ? applies latest technologies to enhance on-line learning and support


Students work through course materials at their own pace
Students have access to teaching and tutorials from anywhere they want.