MDE 601 - Spring 2005Schedule
>>> Please note there are no holiday breaks in this course

Getting started and acquainted
Module 1:

Module 1: Introduction
Introducing the program and the course; Conference participation; Defining Distance Education (DE); Working in study groups; Completing individual task; Reading the assigned literature
Date for presenting study group work: 02/06

Module 2:

Module 2: History and Principles of Distance Education
Reading the assigned literature; Conference participation; Completing individual task; Assignment writing; 'House-cleaning' activities
Conferencing with Börje Holmberg 02/16-02/23
Posting of Assignment #1: 02/25
Date for submitting Assignment #1: 03/06

Module 3:

Module 3: Pedagogy and Theoretical Approaches in DE
Reading the assigned literature; Conference participation; Assignment writing
Conferencing with Otto Peters 03/17-03/24
Posting of Assignment #2: 03/26
Date for submitting Assignment #2: 04/04

Module 4:

Module 4: Institutional Aspects of Distance Education
Reading the assigned literature; Conference participation; Study group project; Assignment writing; Writing annotations; 'House cleaning'
Posting of Study Group Project: 04/05
Date for submitting Study Group Project: 04/22
Posting of Assignment #3: 04/23

Date for submitting Assignment #3: 05/01