University of Maryland University College
Graduate School of Management and Technology

in co-operation with

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
Center for Research in Distance Education

Foundations of Distance Education

OMDE 601

Ulrich Bernath, Thomas Hülsmann and Eugene Rubin
with Boerje Holmberg and Otto Peters
9040 and 9041 May 30 – July 18, 2000

(The Syllabus is subject to change)



The Foundation of Distance Education course is the first of seven core courses of the Master of Distance Education program. It simultaneously serves several Certificates in Distance Education. Students explore the critical concepts and issues identified in the distance education literature and critically examine the history and theories of the field and apply these foundations in the analyses of selected institutions of distance education. The proceedings are based on three required textbooks from Holmberg, Moore & Kearsley, and Peters. Holmberg and Peters will join the teaching team in one course module each. This allows live interaction with two distinguished experts in the field, whose works are critical for the foundations in distance education.



The goals of the course are to provide the student with a foundation of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required by a competent practitioner of distance education.

Students will learn to:



Holmberg, Boerje (1995) , Theory and Practice of Distance Education, Routledge: London/New York
Peters, Otto (1998), Learning and Teaching in Distance Education. Analyses and Interpretations from an International Perspective, Kogan Page: London
Moore, Michael G & Kearsley, Greg (1996), Distance Education: A Systems View, Wadsworth:Belmont, CA



This course is only offered in the online mode. Students must be prepared to:

Grading Policy

The course will be completed by three individual essay-type assignments, each of which contributes 33 % to the final grade.

Grades are assigned according to the following:

A for 90 – 100% - Excellent
B for 80 – 89% - Good, meets Standard
C for 70 – 79% - Below Standard
F for 0 – 69% - Failure

The grade of "B" represents the benchmark for the Graduate School. It indicates that the student has demonstrated competency in the subject matter of the course, i.e., the student has fulfilled all course requirements on time, has a clear grasp of the full range of course materials and concepts, and is able to present and apply these materials and concepts in clear, reasoned, well organized and grammatically correct responses whether written or oral.

Only students who fully meet this standard and, in addition, who demonstrate exceptional comprehension and application of the course subject matter, merit an "A".

Students who do not meet the benchmark standard of competency fall within the "C" range or lower. They, in effect, have not met graduate level standards. Where this failure is substantial, they earn an "F".

The Grade Of "I" (Incomplete): The grade of "I" is exceptional and given only to students whose completed coursework has been qualitatively satisfactory but who have been unable to complete all course requirements because of illness or other extenuating circumstances beyond their control. The grade of "I" may be considered only for students who have completed at least fifty percent (50%) of the total coursework requirements and who have received a passing grade on all the coursework which they have completed. The instructor retains the right to make the final decision on granting a student's request for an "I", even though the student may meet the eligibility requirements for this grade.

Writing standards

Effective managers and leaders are also effective communicators. Written communication is an important element of the total communication process. The Graduate School recognizes and expects exemplary writing to be the norm for course work. To this end, all papers, individual and group, must demonstrate graduate level writing ability and comply with the format requirements of the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (latest ed.). Careful attention should be given to source citations, proper listing of references, representation of numbers, and the presentation of tables and figures.

Policy on Academic Integrity (Plagiarism)

"Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional presentation of another person's idea or product as one's own. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following: copying verbatim all or part of another's written work; using phrases, charts, figures, illustrations, or mathematical or scientific solutions without citing the source; paraphrasing ideas, conclusions, or research without citing the source; and using all or part of a literary plot, poem, film, musical score, or other artistic product without attributing the work to its creator. Students can avoid unintentional plagiarism by carefully accepted scholarly practices. Notes taken for papers and research projects should accurately record sources of material to be cited, quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, and papers should acknowledge these sources in footnotes."

The penalties for plagiarism include a zero or a grade of "F" on the work in question, a grade of "F" in the course, suspension with a file letter, suspension with a transcript notation, or expulsion.

Note: Work submitted for this class must be your own, and it must be original to this course. If you have questions regarding this stipulator, please consult instructor.

Disabled Students

In accordance with the UMUC policy, any student who has a disability and is in need of classroom accommodations must inform the instructor of this need and, if he or she has not already done so, contact UMUC’s office of Veteran and Disabled Student Services at (301) 985-7258.



Module 1 (May 30 – June 2, 2000)



Module 2 (June 3 – June 16, 2000)
with guest faculty Prof. Dr. Boerje Holmberg (June 5 – June 10)
History and Principles of Distance Education




Required Reading:

Holmberg, Boerje (1995) pp 1 – 132
Peters, Otto (1998) pp 8 – 17
Holmberg, B. (1995) The evolution of the character and practice of distance education. In: Open Learning, June, pp 47 - 53


Students must submit an essay by June 16th. The grade for this essay will contribute with 33 % to the final grade.


Module 3 (June 17 - June 30, 2000)
with guest faculty Prof. Dr. Otto Peters (June 18 – June 23)
Pedagogy of Distance Education and Theoretical Approaches to DE




Required Reading:

Peters, Otto (1998), pp 18 – 155
Holmberg, Boerje (1995), pp 47ff
Peters, Otto (1967), Distance education and industrial production: a comparative interpretation in outline, In: Keegan, Desmond ed. (1994) Otto Peters on Distance Education. The Industrialization of Teaching and Learning, Routledge:London/New York, pp.107 - 127.
Simonson, Michael & Schlosser, Charles & Hanson, Dan, Theory and Distance Education. A New Discussion. In: The American Journal of Distance Education, vol 13, 1, pp 60 - 75


Students must submit an essay by June 30th. The grade for this essay will contribute with 33 % to the final grade.


Module 4 (July 1 - 18, 2000)
Institutional Aspects of Distance Education



Required Reading:

Peters, Otto (1998) pp 157 – 214
Peters, Otto (1998), Models and Concepts of Open and Distance Learning, Manuscript
Miller, Gary Distance education in the United States: collaboration amid diversity. In: Open Learning, Nov. 1987, pp. 23-27
Moore, Michael American Distance Education: A Short Literature Review. In: Lockwood, Fred ed. (1995) Open and Distance Learning Today, London/New York:Routledge, pp32 – 41


Students must submit their individual projects by July 18th. The grade for this project will contribute with 33 % to the final grade.