Module |
Date |
Assignments, Group Work... |
Pre-Week | Aug
28 - Sep 3 |
biographies, review syllabus, start readings
Introducion Week (Week 1) |
Sep 4 - 8 |
biographies, review syllabus, start readings
Module 1 (Week
2) |
Sep 9 - 15 | At the end of week 2 (Sep 15) study groups will submit agreed upon working definition of DE, with rationale. |
Module 2 (Week
3-6) |
16 - Oct 13 |
Individual |
Module 3 (Week
7-10) |
14 - Nov 10 |
Individual At the end of week 10 (Nov 10), each student must submit an annotated bibliography of distance education literature, containing a minimum of five citations from varied sources, paper and electronic. Grade for the annotated bibliography will be 20% of final course grade. Group Each group is to discuss and analyze the interaction that has occurred between students and faculty thus far in the course, assess whether or not the stated objectives of the modules seem to be met, and submit a group opinion by the end of week 8 (Oct 27). Conference with visiting expert Professor Michael Moore (Oct 21-23) |
4 (Week 11-13) Institutional Aspects of Distance Education |
11 - Dec 1 |
Individual By the end of week 12 (Nov 24), each student should investigate a total of 10 major distance education entities (min. of 3 in North America; 3 in Europe; and 3 in Asia/Australia), providing a brief description of each (approx. 150 words each). Group By the end of week 13 (Dec 3), each study group is to review selected contributions of each member within that group in response to the individual assignment, compare observations and ideas regarding the most prominent features of each DE entity, and then the group is to arrive at a consensus as to which three (3) institutions or programs best meet the evaluation criteria for DE programs developed by WICHE. Explain your group's choices by analyzing the strengths of those selected, noting such criteria as quality, innovation or others factors which influenced your choices. Conference with visiting expert Professor Michael Moore (Nov 19-21) |
5 (Week 14) Future Trends in Distance Education |
Dec 2 - 8 | Discuss assigned readings in conference area; no written assignment. |
Module 6 (Week
15) |
Dec 9 - 18 |
Individual |