Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Ph.D.
E-Mail: zawacki-richter@hfb.de
Example #1: Music in South Africa
(University of Pretoria, South Africa; Subject matter expert: Dr Hetta Potgieter,
Departement of Music; Instructional Designer: Irene le Roux, Telematic Learning
and Education Innovation; Graphic Artist: Kim Zimmerman, Telematic Learning
and Education Innovation)
Example #2: Stress and Psycho-neuro-immunology
(University of Pretoria, South Africa; Subject matter expert: Prof. Retha Viljoen,
Department of Physiology; Project manager: Anne Strehler; Instructional Designers:
Henriette Wolmarans, Gaby Pretorius; Graphic Artist: Sigi Dannheimer; Graphic
Assistant: Hannalie van Blerk; Sound Production: André du Plessis)
Collis, B. (2002). Information Technologies for Education and Training. In H. H. Adelsberger & B. Collis & J. M. Pawlowski (Eds.), Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training (pp. 1-20). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.
Daniel, J. (1998). Can you get my hard nose in focus? Universities, mass education and appropriate technology. In M. Eisenstadt & T. Vincent (Eds.), The Knowledge Web - Learning and Collaborating on the Net (pp. 21-29). London: Kogan Page.
Garrison, G. R. (1985). Three generations of technological innovation in distance education. Distance Education, 6(2), 235-241.
Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Chapter 1-2, pp. 1-40)
Taylor, J. C. (2001). Fifth generation distance education. Paper presented at the 20th ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Tolhurst, D. (1995). Hypertext, hypermedia, multimedia defined? Educational Technology, 35(2), 21-26.
Carter, V. (1996). Do media influence learning? Revisiting the debate in the context of distance education. Open Learning(February), 31-40.
Hasebrook, J. (1999). Searching the web without losing the mind - traveling the knowledge space. WebNet Journal, 1(2), 24-32.
Jonassen, D., Davidson, M., Collins, M., Campbell, J., & Haag, B. B. (1995). Constructivism and computer-mediated communication in distance education. American Journal of Distance Education, 9(2), 7-25.
McLoughlin, C. (2002). Learner support in distance and networked learning environments: ten dimensions for successful design. Distance Education, 23(2), 149-162.
Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Chapter 3, pp. 41-62; Chapter 11, pp. 183-194)
Naidu, S. (2003). Designing instruction for e-learning environments. In M. G. Moore & W. G. Anderson (Eds.), Handbook of distance education (pp. 349-365). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Optional readings
Clark, R. E. (1983). Reconsidering research on learning from media. Review of Educational Research, 53(4), 445-459.
Kozma, R. B. (1991). Learning with media. Review of Educational Research, 61(2), 179-211
Liao, Y.-K. C. (1999). Effects of hypermedia on students' achievement: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 8(3), 255-277.
Naidu, S., Anderson, J., & Riddle, M. (2000). The virtual print exhibition: a case of learning by designing. In R. Sims & M. O’Reilly & S. Sawkins (Eds.), Learning to choose - choosing to learn; Proceedings of the 17th annual Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education 2000 Conference (pp. 109-114). Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, Australia.
Kearsley, G. (2002). Explorations in learning & instruction: The theory into practice database. Retrieved May, 2005: http://tip.psychology.org/
Funderstanding. (2001). About learning. Retrieved May, 2005: http://www.funderstanding.com/about_learning.cfm
Baumgartner, P., & Payr, S. (1997). Methods and practice of software evaluation: The case of the European Academic Software Award (EASA). Paper presented at the ED-MEDIA 97, Charlottesville.
Hasebrook, J. (1999). Exploring electronic media and the human mind: A Web-based training. Paper presented at the World Conference on Internet, Intranet and World Wide Web (WebNet), Honolulu, Hawaii.
Heller, R. S., Martin, D., Haneef, N., & Gievska-Krliu, S. (2001). Using a theoretical multimedia taxonomy framework. Journal of Educational Resources in Computing, 1(1), 1-22.
Kennedy, G., Petrovic, T., & Keppell, M. (1998). The development of multimedia evaluation criteria and a program of evaluation for computer aided learning. Paper presented at ASCILITE'98.Lee, S. H. (1999). Usability testing for developing effective interactive multimedia software: concepts, dimensions, and procedures. Educational Technology & Society, 2(2).
Reeves, T. C., & Harmon, S. W. (1994). Systematic evaluation procedures for interactive multimedia for education and training. In S. Reisman (Ed.), Multimedia computing: Preparing for the 21st century (pp. 472-505). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Oppermann, R. (2002). User-interface Design. In H. H. Adelsberger & B. Collis & J. M. Pawlowski (Eds.), Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training (pp. 234-248). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.
A selection of multimedia applications as well as further online resources on usability testing, webusability and pedagogical evaluation will be provided in WebTycho.
Brigham, D. (2001). Converting student support services to online delivery. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 1(2), 1-16.
Brindley, J. E., Zawacki, O., & Roberts, J. (2003). Support services for online faculty: The provider's and the users' perspectives. In U. Bernath & E. Rubin (Eds.), Reflections on teaching and learning in an online master program - A case study (pp. 137-165). Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.
CHEA. (2002). Accreditation and assuring quality in distance learning. Washington: Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Dunlap, J. C. (1999). Developing web-based performance support systems to encourage lifelong learning in the workplace. WebNet Journal, 1(2), 40-48.
IHEP. (2000). Quality on the Line - Benchmarks for Success in Internet-Based Distance Education. Washington: Institute for Higher Education Policy.
Moonen, J. (2002). Design Methodology. In H. H. Adelsberger & B. Collis & J. M. Pawlowski (Eds.), Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training (pp. 154-180). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.
Schreiber, D. A. (1998). Instructional design of distance training. In D. A. Schreiber & Z. L. Berge (Eds.), Distance training - how innovative organizations are using technology to maximize learnign and meet business objectives (pp. 37-65). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Zawacki-Richter, O. (2005). Online Faculty Support and Education Innovation - A Case Study. European Journal of Open and Distance Learning (EURODL), Volume 1. http://www.eurodl.org/materials/contrib/2005/Zawacki_Richter.htm
Plus: Review chapters and articles previously assigned.