Web-based training "Learning with new media"
Producer: Bankacademy, Frankfurt /Main (Germany)
Login Information:
Username: media
Password: wbt
Please, pay attention to the following browser requirements:
- You need a web browser that supports frames (e.g. Microsoft or Netscape
version 3.x or higher)
- You must activate java-applets and javascript in your browser settings
- Netscape sometimes expects a "reload" of the left navigation-frame
(this is a netscape bug). Click it with the right mouse-button and select
"reload frame"
- To play the sound files included in the wbt you need the real-player (version
6 or better). If you don't have already installed the real-player, please
visit http://www.real.com
to download the free basic version.
(WBT opens in new window.)