Dear Class Members,

We kindly ask you for 10 minutes to complete this questionnaire.

Our intention is to identify the main factors, which contributed to your learning outcomes in this course.
The questionnaire also allows you to comment critically on the now ending Foundations of Distance Education course.

We appreciate your feedback as helpful for the evaluation of your experiences as well as a tool for the planning of our future courses.

1. To what extent did the following elements of the Foundations Course contribute to positive learning outcomes for you?
(You have a zero-to-ten-point scale for each item with a rating of "zero" meaning the item contributed nothing and "ten" meaning the item contributed a great deal to your learning outcomes).

  not at all
to a great extent
1.1. The required reading.
1.2. Additional recommended readings
1.3 Recommended URLs
1.4. The course arrangement and the content presentation online by the instructors (Christine Walti, Jane Brindley, Stella Porto)
1.5. Contributions and Interventions made by the instructors in the conference discussions
1.6. The course arrangement and the content presentation online by Börje Holmberg
1.7. Contributions and Interventions made by Börje Holmberg in the conference discussions
1.8. The course arrangement and the content presentation online by Otto Peters
1.9. Contributions and Interventions made by Otto Peters in the conference discussions
1.10 Individual e-mail interactions with the instructor(s) outside of the conference discussions.
(Leave blank if not applicable.)
1.11 Individual e-mail interactions with peers outside of the conference discussions.
(Leave blank if not applicable.)
1.12. Your own active participation in the on-line discussions: Reading & writing comments and questions
1.13. Witnessing the on-line discussions: Reading but NOT writing comments and questions.
1.14. Participating in study group work1
1.15 Individual tasks (Defining DE, writing annotations, keeping up your workbook)
1.16. Assigment # 1
1.17. Assigment # 2
1.18. Study Group Task in Module 4 (Group Project)
1.19. Assignment # 3
1.20. The Foundations Café


2. Which are the main critical aspects of the Foundations of Distance Education course you would like to comment on.
Please add your comments in the box below which provides unlimited space:

Please, add your name in order to avoid multiple submissions from one person. However, your name will not become part of the evaluation and your anonymity will be observed.


Thank you very much for your collaboration.
Thomas Hülsmann, Program Director