Arbeitsstelle Fernstudienforschung
Uni Einrichtungen ZEF ASF   

ASF Series

The Series of the Arbeitsstelle Fernstudienforschung (ASF, the center for research in distance education) at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Editors: Ulrich Bernath, Friedrich W. Busch, Detlef Garz, Anke Hanft, Wolf-Dieter Scholz

Volume 1

Bernath et al.

Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung...

Volume 2


The costs of open learning: a handbook.

Volume 3

Friesen et al.

Philosophische Dimensionen des Problems der Virtualität...

Volume 4


Distance Education in Essence...

Volume 5


Distance Education in Transition...

Volume 6

Bernath &
Rubin (Eds.)

Reflections on Teaching and Learning in an Online Master Program - A Case Study


Volume 7

Rumble (Ed.)

Papers and Debates on the Economics and Costs of Distance and Online Learning (forthcoming 2003)

Volume 8


Critical Issues in Distance Education Leadership (forthcoming 2003)

Volume 9

Brindley et al. (Eds.)

Learner Support in Open, Distance and Online Learning Environments (forthcoming 2004)

Volume 10

Hülsmann & Perraton (Eds.)

Educational Technologies for Distance Education in Developing Countries (forthcoming 2004)

Related publications:

Bernath U.& Szücs A. (Eds.)(2004). Supporting the Learner in Distance Education and E-Learning. Proceedings of the Third EDEN Research Workshop 2004. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

ISBN 3-8142-0902-8 / € 50,00

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Bernath U. (Ed.) (2002). Online Tutorien - Beiträge zum Spezialkongress "Distance Learning" der AG-F im Rahmen der LEARNTEC 2002. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

ISBN - 3-8142-0806-4 / € 12,00

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Waltos D.L. & Waltos L.H. (2002). The Healing Partnership - A New Model for Healthcare. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

ISBN 3-8142-0814-5 / € 28,00 / 25.00 $

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Bernath, U. & Rubin, E. (Eds.) (1999). Final Report and Documentation of the Virtual Seminar for Professional Development in Distance Education. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

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ISBN - 3-0814-0657-6 / € 20,50

Volume 6
Bernath, U. & Rubin, E. (Eds.) Reflections on Teaching and Learning in an Online Master Program - A Case Study. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

Volume 6 presents the Master of Distance Education (MDE) program jointly offered by the University of Maryland University College and Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.

The book comprises thirteen articles contributed by the MDE program directors, faculty, and students from Canada, Germany, Sweden, and the U.S.

The themes include institutional politics, program management, detailed cost analysis, student and faculty support, reflections on online and distance learners and learning behaviors, digital learning spaces, technologies, communication, facilitation, cooperation, and collaboration.

The MDE received the 2003 Program of Excellence award of UCEA's Distance Learning Community of Practice.

ISBN-3-8142-0848-X / € 24,00 / $ 28.00

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Volume 5
Peters, O. (2003). Distance Education in Transition - New Trends and Challenges. (3rd extended and revised ed.) Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

The author examines exciting changes and promising innovations in distance education which emerge as a result of far-reaching societal changes and spectacular advances of the information and communications technology. He widens and deepens his pedagogical approach to distance education and preserves the legacy of distance education in a new era.

Experts as well as laymen will profit from reading this new publication as it deals with topical issues of the current development of distance education and online learning.

ISBN-3-8142-0876-5 / € 22,00 / $ 25.00

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Volume 4
Holmberg, B. (2003). Distance Education in Essence - An overview of theory and practice in the early twenty-first century. (2nd ed.) Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

The author looks carefully into the character and applications of distance education, and presents a revised version of his much discussed overarching theory. Particular attention is paid to the innovatory character of distance education and the role of technology in today's practice, regarded as an auxiliary means that may serve educational purposes, not as important in itself.

ISBN 3-8142-0875-7 / € 16,00 / $ 19.00

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Volume 3
Friesen, H., Berr, K., Gerdes, K., Lenk, A., & Sanders, G. (2001). Philosophische Dimensionen des Problems der Virtualität in einer globalen Mediengesellschaft - Beschreibung eines Forschungsprojektes. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

Ziel der Autoren dieses Buches ist es, einen Vorschlag für eine Theorie der Virtualität zu entwickeln, die aus den Aporien der gegenwärtigen Diskurse hinausführen kann und damit ganz neue Perspektiven eröffnet.

ISBN 3-8142-0763-7 / € 11,30; available as an electronic data file

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Volume 2
Hülsmann, T. (2000). The costs of open learning: a handbook. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

This handbook is designed to help educational managers how to use open and distance learning. It examines the comparative costs of various educational technologies based on eleven case studies from six European countries.

ISBN 3-8142-0724-6 / € 14,40 / $ 16,50; in part available as an electronic data file

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Volume 1
Bernath, U., Fichten, W., Klaus, J., & Rieforth, J. (Eds.). (2000). Psychologische Gesundheitsförderung für Pflegekräfte in der Dialyse - Dokumentation einer betriebsinternen Fortbildung. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

Dieser Band enthält Reflexionen über das komplexe Lehr-/Lernkonzept der Weiterbildung, bei der das Selbststudium auf der Grundlage von Lehrtexten aus der Universität Oldenburg mit Kompaktseminaren eines Netzwerkes von Universitäten kombiniert wird. Ausserdem sind in dem Band vielschichtige Beiträge zur Evaluation zur berufsbezogenen wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung für Krankenpflegepersonal enthalten.

ISBN 3-8142-0668-1 / € 9,30; available as an electronic data file

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