ࡱ> JLI%` "bjbjNN]>,,0000000$TL E$hc!h0,,,00,00,@00 iPe,X0E`,!!!0DvOTDE E,,,,      T4"000000 Book review: Salmon, G., Edirisingha, P. (Ed.). (2008). Podcasting for learning in universities. Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Salmon, G., Nie, M. . (2008). Doubling the life of iPods. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities. (pp. 1-11). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. The first chapter should be read first. Even then you may get slighly frustrated by the repetition and redundancy in this podcast proselytizing. Yes, there is a renaissance of audio coming with podcasts and that is good for a variety of reasons: (i) flexibility and learner control; (ii) motivation, personalization and engangement (possibly contributing to improving retentions); (iii) What I miss are the critical observations: that it can be very time consuming if shifting to audio is done for more than occassional Traxler, J. (2008). Podcasting in context. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 12-19). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Salmon, G., Mobbs, R. , Edirisingha, P., Dennett, C. . (2008). Podcasting technology. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 20-32). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Aliotta, M. B., S., Brunton, K., Stevens, A. (2008). Podcasting and lectures. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 33- 42). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Mount, N., Chambers, C. (2008). Podcasts and practicals. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 43-56). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Downward, S., Livingstone, D., Lynch, K., Mount, N. . (2008). Podcasts and locations. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 57-69). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. France, D., Ribchester, C. . (2008). Podcasts and feedback In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 70-79). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Fothergill, J. (2008). Podcasting and online learning. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 80-91). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Fotherill is an engineering lecturer in Leicester. He uses sort of audio enhanced ppt. His main point seems to be learner control: these things are better than lectures since they are not so transient and allow replay and pause. The ozther main aspect is 'enliving' the lecture which is usually a bit dry. His mode of usage: (i) news; (ii) comment on class progress; (iii) fun; Lee, M. J. W., Tynan, B. (2008). Podcasts and distance learning. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 92-102). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Two case studies from Australia: CSU (Charles Strut University and UNE (University of New England). The chapter starts with discussing podcasting in education: Interesting issues: 'Voices for faces': The authors observe that while audio-based technologies have been used extensively in DE (from radio via cassettes to CD-Roms) audio has been in decline pushed to the margins by text-based online formats. They argue that the missing dimesnion of facial cues can be compensated to some extent by audio elements. Voice has an emotional dimension which can be helpful in emotional related aspects of learning, especially in motivating students and helping in community building. Motivation, besides having a cognitive dimension, may also via motivation and community building has an economic effect by reducing attrition. CSU: students as 'produsers': really low cost since students did it all themselves Contrary to expectation students used it not for 'multitasking' in their 'stolen moments of learning'; though use varied: UNE: Conclusions: Uses: (i) uses as a 'highlighter': pulling in a short audio the essential elements together by audio can be seen as a sort of highlighter; as you mark in a text with your highlighter to remember better some central ideas, the audio element can be used to highlight key concepts and ideas; (ii) podcasting facilitates true mobility (unlike the laptop): it frees eyes and hands; hence it was expected to be used when driving, exercising doing the househole chores (in the 'stolen moments of learning'; this has not be dones so!); in this sense there is an aspect of multitasking in podcasting; in this sense it is logical that it is mainly used in a supplementary format. Cox, B., Macharia, R. Short, N., Whittlestone, K. (2008). Podcasts and resources. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities. (pp. 103-112). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Jenkins, M., Lonsdale, J. . (2008). Podcasts and students' storytelling. . In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 113-120). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Rothwell, L. (2008). Podcasts and collaborative learning. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities. (pp. 121-131). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Ng'ambi, D. (2008). Podcasts for reflective learning In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 132-145). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Cane, C. C., A. . (2008). Students' podcasts as learning tools. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities. (pp. 146-152). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Edirisingha, P., Salmon, G., Nie, M. . (2008). Developing pedagogical podcasts. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 153-168). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Salmon, G. (2008). The future of podcasting. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities. (pp. 169-178). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Ng'ambi, D. (2008). Podcasts for reflective learning In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities (pp. 132-145). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Mobbs, M., Salmon, G., Edirisingha, P. . (2008). Appendix. In G. Salmon, Edirisingha, P. (Ed.), Podcasting for learning in universities. (pp. 189-204). Maidenhead SRHE, Mac-Graw Hill, Open University Press. Feature: podcasts forChapterCommentVoices for faces9, Voice can compensate for missing paralinguistic cuesPodcasts as highlighter, advance organizer AO9Can integrate the courseMotivation9Enliven the course  D` d e f o q , - .   # B C D L V}>ežū}yrjryh1Ph1P6 h1Ph1Ph1Ph:h6hLhmH sH hifmH sH hLmH sH hhmH sH hhh6 h`Uh hhh`UhRhQ hOnNhh`U6 h`Uh`UhVxhhVx6 hVxhVxhLhVx5)p q - .   wxIK12gdV gd=gd1Pgd & Fgd" 2vx?"I01HIJK012p:a5|}~`b" # $ ~ M!u!ʺѶhLhL6 hLhLhLhl^hl^6 hl^hl^hl^hl^hV6hVhV6 hVhVhVhb ah/h=h|-h3hh1Ph1Ph1P6 h1Ph1P:}~ab# $ !!!!!!$If$a$gdLgdwgdLgdl^gdV & Fgdu!!!!!"" hhVx hhhLhw hLhL!!!!/"ne__$If $Ifgdwkd$$IfFFOf2$ t06    44 laytw/"0"^"`"y"ne__$If $Ifgdwkd{$$IfFFOf2$ t06    44 laytwy"z""""ne__$If $Ifgdwkd$$IfFFOf2$ t06    44 laytw""""""nee__$If $Ifgdwkdq$$IfFFOf2$ t06    44 laytw"""""ne__$If $Ifgdwkd$$IfFFOf2$ t06    44 laytw"""""ne__$If $Ifgdwkdg$$IfFFOf2$ t06    44 laytw"""nlkd$$IfFFOf2$ t06    44 laytw(/ =!"#$n% 10:pw= /!n"#$% y$$If!vh555$#v#v#v$:VF t6555$ytwy$$If!vh555$#v#v#v$:VF t6555$ytwy$$If!vh555$#v#v#v$:VF t6555$ytwy$$If!vh555$#v#v#v$:VF t6555$ytwy$$If!vh555$#v#v#v$:VF t6555$ytwy$$If!vh555$#v#v#v$:VF t6555$ytwy$$If!vh555$#v#v#v$:VF t6555$ytw<@< Standard_HmH sH tHJAJ Absatz-StandardschriftartXi@X Normale Tabelle4 l4a 0k@0 Keine Listez@z wTabellengitternetz7:V0>*> z z vpq-.wx IK12}~ab#$/0^`yz$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:3v:3v:v:?v:#v:u:v:?v:#v:u:v:?v:#v:tv:?v:#v:u:v:v:?v:#v:tv:?v:#v:u:v:?v:#v:u:3v:pq-.wx IK12}~ab#$/0^`yz000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00@0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0pq/0yz000 00X00<>@ 0Z00Z00 O00 Z00 'O00Z0 0Z00T u!"!/"y"""""""8@0(  B S  ?]S| &)(()f#))*)l +) ,)<-)dGh q        =*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceNameB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace 0!01abBEJM::::::::::::DLs@v ? 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