OMDE601 Discussion thread

13.13 :-) Sherri to Thomas' intro

My views have changed after participating in the last assignment. I began this course very eager and ready to jump in to the distanceeducation arena. After the first few initial interactions, I was a bit put off. I began to think that this form of learning in no waycompared to traditional face to face learning. However, I discovered after assignment number three, that I was wrong. The level ofgroup participation and interaction surpassed any form I had encountered in my long traditional education career. The use of thisformat and email took the conversation to levels of honesty that you do not get in traditional formats. When I say honesty, I meangroup members freely expressed there likes and dislikes for group work. Other group members encouraged others to participateand gain from this experience. This created a level of committment and confidence in the group. I believe that if done in the properformat of DE, meaning untilizing the tools necessary to make it succcessful, DE will be the delivery method of choice. Although, therewill always be skeptics, I truly belive that in time, DE will far surpass traditional methods of learning.