OMDE601 Discussion thread

13.14 :-) Dean to Thomas' intro

13.14.1 :-? Thomas

Dean, you write:

"DE means that students can have access to more and better learning resources than in the past (Moore and Kearsley,p. 15). This simple statement alone supports the idea that on-line learning can produce the same level or superiorlearning as traditional F2F." Well, who pays the piper decides about the tune. If you earn your living in DE you will saysomething like that, wouldn't you?

But I really got interested by your change of the tribal smiley. You did not use :-) but -:)

Crystal (2001) includes a table of basic smileys:-:) is translated by: 'user is a punk' (p.37).

Is that so?

Kind regards


0:-) Meaning 'user is an angel at heart' (ibid. p.37)



Crystal, D. (2001). Language and the Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.